sreda, 30. maj 2012

Medvedek / Teddy

Do sedaj mi je od vseh blogov o amigurumiju, ki sem jih uspela videt, najbolj všeč All About Ami, ki ga ustvarja Stephanie. Njeni amigurumiji so naravnost čudoviti.

So far, from all the blog's about amigurumi that I found, my absolute favorite is Stephanie's All About Ami. Her amigurumi's are just gorgeous. 

Medvedek na sliki je v večini narejen po načrtu Stephanie, ki ga najdete tukaj.  Noge medvedka se se mi po tem načrtu zdele prevelike oz. predolge, zato sem jih naredila po drugem načrtu.

Uporabila sem:
- Kvačko velikosti 6.
- Dve niti skupaj. Medvedek je tako visok okoli 16,5 cm.
- Dve 50 g bež volni (Steinbach Wolle, Eroica, barva 064), črno prejo za oči in smrček ter roza in rumeno volno za mašnjico.

Teddy on the picture is mostly made after Stephanie's pattern, that you can find here. I found teddy's legs, made after her pattern, to be too big or should I say too long, so I made them after different pattern

I used:
- Crochet hook number 6.
- Two strands of yarn.  Teddy is about 16,5 cm tall.
- Two 50 g beige yarns (Steinbach Wolle, Eroica, color 064), black yarn for nose and eyes, and for bow pink and yellow.

Lp, Barbi :)

sobota, 26. maj 2012

Žabja svatba / Frog wedding

Po žabici sem naredila dve večji kvačkani žabi. Parček je namenjen za rojstno dnevno darilo, upam, da bo slavljenki všeč.

Uporabila sem:
- Kvačko velikosti 6.
- Dve niti skupaj. Tako sem dobila večji žabi, v višino merita 16,5 cm. Prva žabica, kjer sem uporabila le eno nit, meri v višino 11,5 cm. 
- 4 klobčiče zelene volne (Steinbach wolle, Jumbo, barva 047), pri ustnicah in metuljčku pa rdečo volno (Four Seasons Gruendl, Perfino, barva 22). Rožica na glavi ''ženske'' žabe je iz volne neznanega imena ;)

After froggy I made two bigger frogs. The couple is intended for a birthday present, I  hope that the birthday girl likes it.

 I used:
- Crochet hook number 6.
- Two strands of yarn. That way I got bigger frogs, they are 16,5 cm tall. The first froggy, for which I used only one strand of yarn, is 11,5 cm tall. 
- 4 balls of green yarn (Steinbach wolle, Jumbo, color 047) and for lips and bowtie, red yarn (Four Seasons Gruendl, Perfino, color 22). Flower on head of female frog is from yarn of unknown name ;)

Največ problemov so mi povzročala ustnice ''ženske'' žabe. Vzelo mi je kar nekaj časa, da sem skvačkala in preizkusila različne ''modele'' ustnic, na koncu sem se odločila za te na sliki.

The most problem I had with female frog lips. It took me quite a loot of time to crochet and test different lip ''models'' in the end I settled with the one you see.

''Moška'' žaba se je obnašala zelo lepo in mi ni povzročala težav :) Načrt za metuljčka najdete tukaj.

Male frog behaved very nicely and didn't cause me any problems :) Pattern for bowtie you can find here.

Lp, Barbi :)

nedelja, 20. maj 2012

Žabica / Froggy

 Žabica je v bistvu "prototip" :) Prejela sem prošnjo naj skvačkam 2 žabici, vendar sem naletela na problem. Na internetu nisem našla vzorca za izdelavo žabice, ki bi mi bil všeč. Tako sem si pomagala s tem vzorcem za izdelavo telesa in glave. Kako izdelati roke, noge in oči pa sem lahko ugotovila sama :D

 Froggy is basicy a "prototype" :) I received a request for 2 crochet froggy's, but I stumbled on a problem. I couldn't find a pattern on the internet  that i would like. So I helped myself with this pattern to crochet body and head. How to make arms, legs and eyes I was able to figure out myself :D

Žabica je velika približno 11,5 cm. Uporabila sem zeleno (YarnArt, merino exclusive, barva 750), rdečo (Four Season Gruendl, Perfino, barva 22) volno in kvačko velikosti 5. Oči so iz črne preje neznanega imena :) 

Froggy is about 11,5 cm tall. I used green (YarnArt, merino exclusive, color 750), red (Four Season Gruendl, Perfino, color 22) yarn and a crochet hook size 5. Eyes are from black yarn of unknown name :)

Tukaj pa je še ena slika žabice v njenem "naravnem okolju". :)

Here is a picture of froggy in its "natural habitat". :)

Lp, Barbi

sobota, 19. maj 2012

Ko bi le / If only

lahko zavrtela čas nazaj in se namazala s  kremo za sončenje!!

I could turn back time and put some sunscreen on!!

Lp, Barbi

četrtek, 17. maj 2012

Še sem tu / I'm still here

Takoj, ko dobim fotoaparat nazaj, vam pokažem s kakšnim projektom sem se ukvarjala.

As soon as I get my camera back, I will show you the project I've been working on.

Lp, Barbi

četrtek, 3. maj 2012

 Puff stitch kapa / hat

Včeraj sva predala kapo / darilo slavljenki. Seveda ni smela manjkati jagodna čokolada :)

Yesterday we handed over the hat / gift to the birthday girl. Of course the gift would be nothing without strawberry chocolate :)

  Navodila za kapo najdete tukaj. Uporabila sem 100 g črno volno in kvačko velikosti 5.

Pattern for hat you can find here. I used 100 g black yarn and a hook size 5.

 Lp, Barbi