četrtek, 31. julij 2014

Pingvina Sam in Amy / Penguin Sam and Amy

Glede na to, da dežuje že cel teden, sem imela (še več) časa za kvačkanje. Pri izbiri ideje za amigurumi mi je pomagala prijateljica, ki mi je poslala načrt za pingvina, parček Sam in Amy.

Considering that is's raining all week, I had (even) more time to crochet. An idea for amigurumi came from a friend who sent me a pattern for penguins, couple called Sam and Amy.
Kvačkana pingvina Sam in Amy
A nista luštna? :) Načrt zanju je delo DDs Crochet, pdf verzijo pa lahko najdete na Ravelry.

Aren't they cute? :) Pattern for them is from DDs Crochet, but the pdf version is on Ravelry.
Kvačkan pingvin Sam
Kvačkan pingvina Amy
Uporabila sem:
- kvačko velikosti 4,5 mm.
- volno različne barve.
- sintetično polnilo.

I used:
- 4,5 mm crochet hook.
- Different colors of yarn.
- Synthetic stuffing.

LP, Barbi :)

sobota, 26. julij 2014

Naredi sam: Prstani iz gumbov / DIY: Button rings

Vse se je začelo, ko sem pri fantovi omi iskala tri navadne bele gumbe, ki bi jih prišila na posteljnino - s katere so magično izginili :o V manjši škatli so se poleg navadnih gumbov skrivali pravi lepotci. Dobila sem idejo, da bi si iz njih naredila prstane.

It all started when I was at my boyfriends grandmother, looking for three ordinary buttons, to sew them on my bedding - from which they magically disappeared :o In a small box, next to ordinary button, there were hiding real beauties. I got an idea to make rings out of them.

DIT Button ring

Potem ko sem s kleščami odstranila nastavek na zadnji strani gumba, sem le tega s sekundnim lepilom nalepila na nastavek za prstan. 

After I removed the shank from the back side of the button with clippers, I glued the button on a base ring.

DIY Button ring

In že so tu novi prstani!

And there they are, new rings!

LP, Barbi :)