četrtek, 3. maj 2012

 Puff stitch kapa / hat

Včeraj sva predala kapo / darilo slavljenki. Seveda ni smela manjkati jagodna čokolada :)

Yesterday we handed over the hat / gift to the birthday girl. Of course the gift would be nothing without strawberry chocolate :)

  Navodila za kapo najdete tukaj. Uporabila sem 100 g črno volno in kvačko velikosti 5.

Pattern for hat you can find here. I used 100 g black yarn and a hook size 5.

 Lp, Barbi

2 komentarja:

  1. Čestitam Barbi, si prava mojstrica kvačkanja! :)

    Congratulations Barbi, you're you real expert in crocheting! :)

  2. No, mojstrica kvačkanja ravno nisem, se pa trudim (nekoč) biti :)
