četrtek, 21. junij 2012


Predstavljam vam Laro, malo predebelo psičko na kratkih nogah :)

I introduce to you, Lara, slightly obese dog on short legs :) 

In to je njena kvačkana verzija ...

And this is crochet version of her ...

Mislim, da je podobnost več kot očitna :D In ja, glava je namerno večja od telesa, enako kot pri medvedku in žabah.

 I think the resemblance is quite obvious :D And yes, the head is bigger then the body on purpose, the same as with the teddy and with frogs. 

Na sliki zgoraj pa lahko vidite kako Lara prosi, da jo pobožaš :) Za izdelavo delov telesa sem uporabila načrt Border Collie Pattern, najden na tej strani. Rjave lise na telesu so v večini narejene z single crochet, ena pa z magic circle. 

On the picture above, you can see how Lara begs to be caressed :) For making of body parts I used Border Collie Pattern, found here. The brown spots on her body were mostly made using single crochet and one with magic circle.


Uporabila sem:
- Kvačko velikosti 4,5.
- 50 g rjavo volno (Steinbach Wolle, Jumbo, barva 080) in belo volno, ki sem jo dobila, ko sem razparala star pleten pulover. Oči in nos so narejeni iz črne preje.

 I used:
- Crochet hook number 4,5.
- 50 g brown yarn (Steinbach Wolle, Jumbo, color 080) and white yarn, that I got by pulling an old knit sweater apart. Eyes and nose are made from black yarn.

Lp, Barbi :)

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