Sestrična je imela rojstni dan in, ker je že pred časom izrazila željo po kvačkanem kaktusu, sem se odločila, da ga naredim kot del rojstnodnevnega darila. In kaj je najbolj super pri tem kaktusu? Ni ga potrebno zalivati, nikoli! ;)
It was my cousins birthday and because she previously expressed a wish for a crochet cactus, I decided to make it as a part of a birthday present. And what's the best thing about this cactus? You don't need to water it, ever! ;)
Načrt za kaktus sem našla na Elf Luv's Dwarf Crochet. Na voljo so kar štirje različni načrti, jaz sem se odločila za tretjega. Končan kaktus je v višino meril ok. 14 cm.
I found crochet pattern for cactus on Elf Luv's Dwarf Crochet. You can choose between four different patterns, I decided on the third one. In the end, the cactus was about 14 cm tall.
Uporabila sem:
- 6 mm kvačko.
- Zeleno (YarnArt, Merino exclusive, barva 780), roza (YarnArt, Merino exclusive, barva 762) in rjavo volno.
- Sintetično polnilo.
I used:
- 6 mm crochet hook.
- Green (YarnArt, Merino exclusive, color 780), pink (YarnArt, Merino exclusive, color 762) and brown yarn.
- Synthetic stuffing.
Lp, Barbi :)
sreda, 21. avgust 2013
torek, 13. avgust 2013
torek, 9. julij 2013
Kvačkan srček / Crochet heart
Prijateljica je bila nezadovoljna s svojim obeskom za ključe in me je prosila, da bi ji naredila novega v obliki srčka.
A friend of mine was unhappy with her keychain so she asked me if I could make her a new one that is in shape of a heart.
Načrt za srček sem našla na Owlishly, na tej povezavi, kjer se nahajata še dva načrta za večja srčka.
I found pattern for this hart on Owlishly, on this link, where you can also find two patterns for bigger hearts.
Uporabila sem:
- 4,5 mm kvačko.
- Rdečo volno (50 g, Steinbach Wolle, Eroica, barva 033) in črno nit za vezenje.
- Obesek.
I used:
- 4,5 mm crochet hook.
- Red yarn (50 g, Steinbach Wolle, Eroica, color 033) and black embroidery floss.
- Ring.
Lp, Barbi :)
nedelja, 7. julij 2013
Hello Kitty
Preprosto morala sem se lotiti kvačkane Hello Kitty. Mislim, da je dobro uspela :)
I simply had to make crochet Hello Kitty. I think it turned out great :)

Uporabila sem:
- 4,5 mm kvačko (Hello Kitty je visoka 11 cm).
- belo (50 g Gruendl Four Seasons , Lisa uni, barva 01), roza (50 g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, barva 31), rumeno (50 g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, barva 03) in črno (50 g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, barva 26) volno.
- črne 10 mm oči.
I used:
- 4,5 mm crochet hook (Hello Kitty is 11 cm tall).
Lp, Barbi :)
I simply had to make crochet Hello Kitty. I think it turned out great :)

Uporabila sem:
- 4,5 mm kvačko (Hello Kitty je visoka 11 cm).
- belo (50 g Gruendl Four Seasons , Lisa uni, barva 01), roza (50 g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, barva 31), rumeno (50 g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, barva 03) in črno (50 g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, barva 26) volno.
- črne 10 mm oči.
I used:
- 4,5 mm crochet hook (Hello Kitty is 11 cm tall).
- White (50
g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, color 01), pink (50
g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, color 31), yellow (50
g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, color 03) and black (50
g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, color 26) yarn.
- 10 mm black safety eyes. Lp, Barbi :)
četrtek, 20. junij 2013
Zadnji zmenek / Last date
Medvedka odhajta na zadnji vroč zmenek pred odhodom k novima lastnikoma, novorojenčkoma.
Teddies are going on a last hot date before going to their new owners, two newborns.
Za izdelavo sem uporabila isti načrt kot pri tem medvedku. Tokrat sem skvačkala (daljše) noge, tako kot to zahteva načrt. Ker sem hotela, da imata medvedka več barve, sem jima naredila majčki in rožico za punčko.
I used the same pattern as for this teddy and this time I followed instructions for (longer) legs to the letter. Because I wanted my teddies to have a bit more color I made them t-shirts and a flower for the girl.
Uporabila sem:
- 4,5 mm kvačko.
- bež (50 g, Steinbach Wolle, Eroica, barva 64), modro (50 g, Steinbach Wolle, Eroica, barva 32) in vojolično (50 g, Steinbach Wolle, Eroica, barva 16) volno; črno nit za vezenje za smrček.
- 10 mm črne oči.
I used:
- 4,5 mm crochet hook.
- Beige (50 g, Steinbach Wolle, Eroica, color 64), blue (50 g, Steinbach Wolle, Eroica, color 32) and purple (50 g, Steinbach Wolle, Eroica, color 16) yarn; black emroidery floss for nose.
- 10 mm black safety eyes.
Lp, Barbi :)
sreda, 3. april 2013
Gigi žirafa / Gigi Giraffe
Gigi je brez dvoma najvišja stvar, ki sem jo skvačkala. V višino meri kar 25 cm!
Gigi is without a doubt the tallest thing that I have crocheted. It's 25 cm tall!
Brezplačen načrt zanjo sem našla na Ravelry. Imenuje se Gigi Girafe, naredila ga je Marike van Loo. Žirafi sem dodala le rjava kvačkana kroga okoli oči.
I found free crochet pattern at Ravelry at this link. It's called Gigi Girafe and is designed by Marike van Loo. The only thing I added to the giraffe, were two crochet brown circles around the eyes.
Uporabila sem:
- 4,5 mm kvačko.
- rumeno (50 g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, barva 03) in rjavo (50 g Gruendl Filo Blu, Alabama, barva 27) volno.
- črne 10 mm oči.
I used.
- 4,5 mm crochet hook.
- Yellow (50 g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, color 03) and brown (50 g Gruendl Filo Blu, Alabama, color 27) yarn.
- 10 mm black safety eyes.
Lp, Barbi :)
ponedeljek, 18. marec 2013
Zajčka za sestrici / Bunny's for sisters

Zajčka sta narejena po istem načrtu kot zajček na spodnji sliki, ki sem vam ga predstavila v objavi z naslovom Zajček / Bunny. Tam lahko najdete tudi povezavo do načrta za izdelavo.
Bunny's are made after the same pattern as this one in the picture below. I introduced it to you in my post with the title Zajček / Bunny. There you can find a link to the pattern.
Moram le še skvačkati mašnjici, nato bosta končana.
All I have to do is to crochet two bow's and they will be done.
Lp, Barbi :)
P. S.
Uporabila sem:
- 4,5 mm kvačko.
- belo (50 g Gruendl Four Seasons , Lisa uni, barva 02),
- črne 10 mm oči.
I used:
- 4,5 mm crochet hook.
- White (50
g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, color 02), red (50
g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, color 14) and pink (50
g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, color 31) yarn; for nose (50
g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, color 05).
- 10 mm black safety eyes. petek, 15. marec 2013
Zajčki / Bunny's
Zadnjič sem naletela na objavo Hop Along To Easter na, z načrtom za te lepe zajčke. Posebej mi je všeč, da bi jih lahko uporabila za okrasitev darila ali stene, pa tudi prilepljeni na voščilnico za veliko noč, bi se super obnesli.
Last day I came across a post called Hop Along To Easter on, with a crochet pattern for these bunny's. I really like the idea, that I could use them as a gift or a wall decoration, they would also be perfect glued on a Easter greeting card.

Zadnjič sem naletela na objavo Hop Along To Easter na, z načrtom za te lepe zajčke. Posebej mi je všeč, da bi jih lahko uporabila za okrasitev darila ali stene, pa tudi prilepljeni na voščilnico za veliko noč, bi se super obnesli.
Last day I came across a post called Hop Along To Easter on, with a crochet pattern for these bunny's. I really like the idea, that I could use them as a gift or a wall decoration, they would also be perfect glued on a Easter greeting card.

Lp, Barbi :)
petek, 22. februar 2013
Ovčka / The sheep
Tako kot medvedek v prejšnji objavi, je tudi ta ovčka namenjena novorojenčku. Narejena je po istem načrtu, kot ta v eni izmed mojih prejšnjih objav.
As teddy in my last post, also this sheep is a gift for a newborn. It's made after the same pattern as this one in one of my previous posts.
Uporabila sem:
- kvačko velikosti 4,5 mm.
- črno (50 g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, barva 26) in belo volno (50 g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, barva 02).
- črne 10 mm oči.
I used:
- črno (50 g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, barva 26) in belo volno (50 g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, barva 02).
- črne 10 mm oči.
I used:
- Crochet hook 4,5 mm.
- Black (50 g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, color 26) and white yarn (50 g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, color 02).
- 10 mm black safety eyes.
- Black (50 g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, color 26) and white yarn (50 g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, color 02).
- 10 mm black safety eyes.
Lp, Barbi :)
četrtek, 21. februar 2013
Medvedek / Teddy
Kot darilo za novorojenčka je nastal nov medvedek. Uporabila sem isti načrt kot pri tem medvedku.
I made this teddy as a gift for a newboarn. I used the same pattern as with this teddy.
Kot darilo za novorojenčka je nastal nov medvedek. Uporabila sem isti načrt kot pri tem medvedku.
I made this teddy as a gift for a newboarn. I used the same pattern as with this teddy.
Uporabila sem:
- 4,5 mm kvačko.
- bež (50 g, Steinbach Wolle, Eroica, barva 064) volno; črno nit za vezenje za smrček ter roza in belo volno za mašnjico.
- 10 mm črne oči.
I used:
- 4,5 mm crochet hook.
- Beige (50 g, Steinbach Wolle, Eroica, color 064) yarn; black emroidery floss for nose and pink and white yarn for bow.
- 10 mm black safety eyes.
Lp, Barbi :)
torek, 19. februar 2013
Zajček / Bunny

The bunny was in a need of a bow ... and That's all Folk's! :)
A ni lep? :) Narejen je po načrtu "Crochet Spring Bunny", ki ga je napisala Stephanie, ki piše blog All about Ami.
Isn't it pretty? :) It is made from this pattern "Crochet Spring Bunny", that was written by Stephanie, from All about Ami.
Želela sem, da je moj zajček "oblečen", zato sem pri kvačkanju telesa v četrti vrsti zamenjala barvo, zamenjala sem jo tudi na rokah v tretji vrsti.
I wanted my bunny to have "some clothes on", so I changed color in round four on body, and in round three on hands.

Zajček je še potreboval mašnjico ... in to je to :)
The bunny was in a need of a bow ... and That's all Folk's! :)
Uporabila sem:
- 4,5 mm kvačko.
- belo (50
g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, barva 02), rdečo (50
g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, barva 14) in roza (50
g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, barva 05) volno.
- črne 10 mm oči.
I used:
- 4,5 mm crochet hook.
- White (50
g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, color 02), red (50
g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, color 14) and pink (50
g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, color 05) yarn.
- 10 mm black safety eyes.
Lp, Barbi :)
Zelena objava / Green post
Zelena kapa, narejena z puff stitch, je enaka črni, ki sem jo naredila že dolgo nazaj. Kapa je narejena po tem načrtu, ki ga najdete na blogu Crochet Geek. Ker delam bolj tesne zanke, sem kapo v deseti vrsti razširila, da bo dovolj velika.
Green puff stitch hat, is the same as the black one that I made a long time ago. The hat is made after this pattern, that you can find on blog Crochet Geek. Because my loops are more tight, I added an increase in round 10, so that my hat is big enough.
Za izdelavo puff stitch kape sem uporabila:
- 5 mm kvačko.
- dve 100 g zeleni volni (YarnArt, Merino exclusive, barva 780).
For this puff stitch hat I used:
- 5 mm crochet hook.
- Two 100 g green yarns (YarnArt, Merino exclusive, color 780).
Ostalo mi je še nekaj volne, zato sem se odločila, da naredim še beanie kapo. Načrt zanjo sem prav tako našla na blogu Crochet Geek.
I had some yarn left, so I decided to make a beanie cap. Pattern for my cap is again from blog Crochet Geek.
Kapi sem dodala tri vrste z bež volno ...
I added three rounds with beige yarn ...
... in bež cofom po navodilih Terese.
... and a beige pom pom made after Teresa's instructions.
Za beanie kapo sem uporabila:
- 5 mm kvačko.
- zeleno (YarnArt, Merino exclusive, barva 780) in bež (50 g Dolan Super Preis, barva 21) volno.
For my beanie cap I used:
- 5 mm crochet hook.
- green (YarnArt, Merino exclusive, color 780) and beige (50 g Dolan Super Preis, color 21) yarn.
Lp, Barbi :)
Zelena kapa, narejena z puff stitch, je enaka črni, ki sem jo naredila že dolgo nazaj. Kapa je narejena po tem načrtu, ki ga najdete na blogu Crochet Geek. Ker delam bolj tesne zanke, sem kapo v deseti vrsti razširila, da bo dovolj velika.
Green puff stitch hat, is the same as the black one that I made a long time ago. The hat is made after this pattern, that you can find on blog Crochet Geek. Because my loops are more tight, I added an increase in round 10, so that my hat is big enough.
Za izdelavo puff stitch kape sem uporabila:
- 5 mm kvačko.
- dve 100 g zeleni volni (YarnArt, Merino exclusive, barva 780).
For this puff stitch hat I used:
- 5 mm crochet hook.
- Two 100 g green yarns (YarnArt, Merino exclusive, color 780).
Ostalo mi je še nekaj volne, zato sem se odločila, da naredim še beanie kapo. Načrt zanjo sem prav tako našla na blogu Crochet Geek.
I had some yarn left, so I decided to make a beanie cap. Pattern for my cap is again from blog Crochet Geek.
Kapi sem dodala tri vrste z bež volno ...
I added three rounds with beige yarn ...
... in bež cofom po navodilih Terese.
... and a beige pom pom made after Teresa's instructions.
Za beanie kapo sem uporabila:
- 5 mm kvačko.
- zeleno (YarnArt, Merino exclusive, barva 780) in bež (50 g Dolan Super Preis, barva 21) volno.
For my beanie cap I used:
- 5 mm crochet hook.
- green (YarnArt, Merino exclusive, color 780) and beige (50 g Dolan Super Preis, color 21) yarn.
Lp, Barbi :)
petek, 8. februar 2013
Več o ovčki / More about the sheep
Lp, Barbi :)
Raverly me je vodil do bloga ASE Keepin' Creative, kjer sem našla ta načrt za ovčkino glavo. Da bi se oči bolje videle, sem dodala krog iz bele volne. Rep, ki na sliki ni viden, je narejen iz črne volne. Načrt za diplomantsko kapo je z bloga ALL ABOUT AMI.
Raverly lead me to blog ASE Keepin' Creative, where I found this pattern for my sheep's head. To make the eyes more visible I added a circle made out of white yarn. The tail, that isn't visible on the picture, is made out of black yarn. Pattern for graduation cap is from blog ALL ABOUT AMI.
Uporabila sem:
- kvačko velikosti 4,5 mm.
črno (50 g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, barva 26) in belo volno (50
g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, barva 02); vijolično in črno nit za vezenje.
- črne 10 mm oči.
I used:
- Crochet hook 4,5 mm.
- Black (50 g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, color 26) and white yarn (50
g Gruendl Four Seasons, Lisa uni, color 02); purple and black embroidery floss.
- 10 mm black safety eyes.
Lp, Barbi :)
sreda, 2. januar 2013
Kvačkan obesek za ključe ali božični okrasek? / Crochet keychain or Christmas ornament?
Prav je, da vam še od blizu pokažem božične okraske, ki ste jih lahko občudovali v prejšnji objavi ;)
It's only fair, that I show you the Christmas ornaments, that you were able to admire in my last post, up close ;)
Okraski so v bistvu obeski za ključe v obliki medvedkov, ki sem jih naredila za božična darila. Pri izdelovanju sem se zgledovala po njihovih večjih bratcih.
Ornaments are essentially keychains in the form of teddy bears that I made for Christmas gifts. In crocheting, I took inspiration from their larger brothers.
Uporabila sem:
- kvački velikosti 4 in 4,5 mm.
- dve vrsti volne, Steinbach Wolle, Eroica, barva 064 (za medvedka na prvi sliki) in Four seasons Gruendl, Merinetta, barva 19 (za medvedka na drugi sliki).
- črne 6 mm oči in črno prejo za smrček in vrvico.
I used:
- Crochet hook size 4 and 4,5 mm.
- Two tipes of yarns, Steinbach Wolle, Eroica, color 064 (for teddy on first picture) and Four seasons Gruendl, Merinetta, color 19 (for teddy on second picture).
- Black 6 mm safety eyes and black yarn for nose and string.
Lp, Barbi :)
Prav je, da vam še od blizu pokažem božične okraske, ki ste jih lahko občudovali v prejšnji objavi ;)
It's only fair, that I show you the Christmas ornaments, that you were able to admire in my last post, up close ;)
Ornaments are essentially keychains in the form of teddy bears that I made for Christmas gifts. In crocheting, I took inspiration from their larger brothers.
Uporabila sem:
- kvački velikosti 4 in 4,5 mm.
- dve vrsti volne, Steinbach Wolle, Eroica, barva 064 (za medvedka na prvi sliki) in Four seasons Gruendl, Merinetta, barva 19 (za medvedka na drugi sliki).
- črne 6 mm oči in črno prejo za smrček in vrvico.
I used:
- Crochet hook size 4 and 4,5 mm.
- Two tipes of yarns, Steinbach Wolle, Eroica, color 064 (for teddy on first picture) and Four seasons Gruendl, Merinetta, color 19 (for teddy on second picture).
- Black 6 mm safety eyes and black yarn for nose and string.
Lp, Barbi :)
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